GReminders is a Appointment Reminder system for Google Calendar. Questions we often get asked is How do I know if Reminders were sent and what happened to them?
For the most part GReminders runs in the background and once setup you shouldn’t have to login to the system. However if you are curious to understand what is going on, you can login and see the activity.
So, How do you know when a reminder will be sent and when. First login to GReminders and on your home screen it should something like this:

Then click into a Event and you will see exactly to whom and when the reminder will be sent:

Now if you click into a Event/Meeting where a reminder has been sent you should see something like this:

Here you can see the reminder that was sent AND the reply that came from your client confirming this appointment. If you have multiple reminders and/or to multiple people you will see all those folks there and their replies, if there were any.
Also based on your settings (default is set to Email and SMS Notification), you will receive an Email and/or SMS if your clients replies so that you can either a) know who has replied, or b) if the client requested a cancellation or reschedule, so that you are able to deal with that case.
Also notice that if one of your clients positively replies (OK, Yes, etc…) you will see a green thumbs up in the list, like so:

Any more questions? Please email to [email protected].
Happy Appointment Scheduling!