Pipedrive SMS reminders for appointments and Automated Client Scheduling | GReminders

Send SMS Reminders to Your Pipedrive Contacts with GReminders

Remind Your Pipedrive Contacts to Show-up for their Appointments!

Schedule meetings with your Pipedrive contacts and GReminders will automatically send SMS reminders. Your prospects and clients will show up for their appointments and you’ll reduce the time and money wasted on No-Shows. You can send reminders before meetings, follow up reminders, even send automated reminders and notifications when appointments are rescheduled or cancelled.

Log Reminders as Notes in Pipedrive

Keep track of all of your correspondence in one place. When GReminders sends SMS or email reminders to your clients, a record of reminders or notifications are written as Notes in Pipedrive. If you wish to have a copy of every reminder sent out, you’ll have access to a complete log of reminders in GReminders.

Works with Google or Microsoft Outlook Calendars

If you use Google or Outlook calendar to schedule appointments, add your Pipedrive contacts as guests and their contact information will be imported into GReminders to automatically send SMS reminders.

Works when you schedule Activities in Pipedrive

If you sync Pipedrive with your Google or Outlook calendar, you can create events in Pipedrive and add your contact as a guest. Reminders are sent automatically, and your contact shows up.

Use GReminders automated online scheduling with Pipedrive.

End all the back and forth associated with client scheduling. Allow your prospects and clients to schedule their own appointments onto your calendar using GReminders automated scheduling. When new prospects schedule meetings with you, their information is added to Pipedrive contacts. SMS reminders work just the same whether you schedule manually or use automated scheduling, or both!

Setup GReminders + Pipedrive Integration

To setup GReminders to integrate with Pipedrive, sign up for a free trial if you haven’t done so already, then click on Integrations from the main menu and scroll down to Pipedrive. Click on Setup/Setup Now. Enter your Pipedrive credentials and select the Setup options you would like to use.

Loved by Users

Rated Top Appointment Scheduling App by G2 Crowd
Rated Top Appointment Scheduling App by Gartners Capterra
Rated Top SMS Appoinment Reminder App by Google Gsuite Workspace Marketplace


What is GReminders?

GReminders is an SMS reminder app that integrates with Pipedrive and sends SMS reminders from Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar. Our automated text reminder service can help you dramatically reduce no-shows.

Can I receive an appointment confirmation text message from my clients?

Yes, a client’s SMS appointment confirmation will be forwarded to you. Not only does GReminders provide you a way to remind your clients of appointments, but it also acts as a text message confirmation service.

Can I use GReminders as an online scheduling tool?

Yes, GReminders makes calendar automation possible by allowing you to create online scheduling for Google Calendar and online scheduling for Outlook. Sync your Pipedrive calendar with your Google or Outlook calendar and see everything in Pipedrive.

Can I send both SMS text reminders and email reminders?

Yes, you can send appointment reminders via text and email reminders to be delivered at the same time, ensuring your clients receive the information.

Can I see appointment confirmations on my Pipedrive Calendar?

Yes, when clients confirm or cancel appointments by replying Yes or No to text message reminders, you will see either a checkmark or an X on your Pipedrive calendar so you can quickly scan your events to see who has confirmed and who hasn’t. Be sure to sync Pipedrive with your Google or Outlook calendar.

Can I use GReminders SMS reminder service to schedule follow up messages?

Yes, using our SMS appointment reminder software, you can schedule follow up messages to go out to your clients at any predetermined time you wish following an appointment. Our SMS reminder system can be used to keep your company top of mind with clients.