Send SMS Reminders from Salesforce

GReminders Integration with Salesforce

Salesforce is a robust and full-featured CRM for sales teams. GReminders is the setup and forget SMS reminder app that integrates with Google and Outlook Calendars. Together, these applications will help you meet with more prospects and clients by reducing your no-shows and automating your scheduling.

In this article, we’ll discuss how you integrate GReminders and Salesforce so you can accomplish the following:

  • Send Meeting Reminders when you book appointments with your Salesforce contacts.
  • Send Meeting Reminders when you book appointments with your Salesforce leads.
  • Log Notification & Reminder Activity in Salesforce
  • Create a Lead in Salesforce when using GReminders Automated Booking
  • Create an Event linked to a Contact in Salesforce when using GReminders Automated Booking

If you haven’t signed up for GReminders yet, click on the Try it Free button found on this page.

Once you have connected your Google or Microsoft Outlook calendar to GReminders, you are ready to sync our system with Salesforce.

From the GReminders Main menu on the left-hand side of the screen, go to Integrations > Salesforce

Integrate Salesforce with GReminders

Once you have connected GReminders to Salesforce, you will be presented with the following options:

Salesforce Integration Options

Phone Number Matching Options

When you select “Pull Mobile Number from Leads…”, and/or  “Pull Mobile Number from Contacts…”, scheduling a meeting on your Google or Outlook calendar (with a lead/contact in Salesforce) will sync the individual’s information with GReminders (see below):

Import Contact Info

You are then able to send SMS Reminders, Email Reminders or Phone Call Reminders to your Salesforce Contacts.

Notification/Reminder Writeback

When you select “Log Activity against the matching Contact…” Your reminder messages will be logged in Salesforce (see below):

Tasks imported to Salesforce

Lead Creation when using Automated Scheduling

Select “Automatically create Lead IF Contact does not exist” to create a new lead in Salesforce when an individual books with you using GReminders’ automated scheduling.

Auto Scheduling
When an individual uses GReminders Automated Scheduling to book with you, a new lead is created in Salesforce

Automatically Create Event Record

Select the option “Create an Event in Salesforce When New Meeting is Booked” to sync new events created using GReminders automated scheduling. In addition, if you have previously selected “Log Activity against the matching Contact or Lead” then you will see reminders sent out to attendees of this event.

Event and Task Synced
The event created with GReminders automated scheduling creates a new event in Salesforce. An SMS reminder is sent to the attendee and the task is recorded and listed as complete in Salesforce.

Map Fields

When utilizing automated online scheduling, you can create custom questions for clients to answer during scheduling and then and map the answers to specific fields in your Salesforce events, contacts, leads or tasks. There is a complete article on how to setup and map custom questions, here.


Send SMS Reminders from Salesforce with GReminders when you sync the two systems together. Use GReminders automated scheduling and keep track of everything in Salesforce. You can set up everything in minutes.

If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here.

Be sure to sign up for a complimentary one-on-one system setup with a GReminders Customer Success Representative when you sign up for your free trial. You’ll learn about the software’s features and how our program can drastically reduce your no-shows. Just click Try it Free below.

Happy Scheduling!

Want to Eliminate No Shows? Try GReminders today for Free

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