Enhancing Efficiency with Custom Fields

Custom Fields In the past, GReminders exclusively supported custom questions/fields at the “Event Type” level, facilitating the collection of information from clients who made bookings through GReminders and enabling the ability to map to CRM Fields. GReminders now offers the capability not only to write Custom Fields and Questions at the “Event Type” level but […]

Scheduling for Financial Advisors

In the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of financial advising, no two scenarios are identical. The financial advisory landscape is characterized by perpetual change and occasional disruptions. However, a steadfast constant in this field is the imperative to foster robust client relationships. The methods may shift and adapt, but at the heart of financial advising lies […]

Post Schedule Questions for Online Scheduling

GReminders automated online scheduling is an excellent way to allow prospective clients and customers to schedule with you. You can create custom questions and map the answers to CRMs like Redtail, Salesforce, Salesloft and HubSpot. Since a unique variable is created when you create a custom question, you can use the answers in your reminders. […]

Manage Reminder Templates for Your Organization

Companies and Organizations with multiple users on their GReminders account may wish to standardize the messaging their clients receive. Depending on your industry and company affiliation, client communications may require approval by your compliance department. GReminders has implemented ways to manage and deploy reminder templates for your department or entire organization. Admins and Managers in […]

Routing Forms for Automated Online Scheduling

Routing clients to the right individual in your organization is essential for providing optimal customer service, greater efficiency, and overall higher conversion rates and retention. GReminders provides an easy way to accomplish this. You no doubt have experienced routing countless times on the phone. “Press 1 to be connected to sales, press 2 to talk […]

BCC Tool for Archiving & e-Discovery

If you are in an industry that requires 3rd party monitoring of all client communications, GReminders can help. Our system currently logs all your outgoing SMS, email, and voice reminders along with incoming SMS replies within our app. You can accessed the archive under Usage Reports > Delivery > Logs. To understand how to set […]