If you use Automated Scheduling in GReminders you can now specify which day of the Week your “Week” Starts AND if you want to show weekends or not. Let’s take a look:
In Europe and many other parts of the world the Week “starts” on Monday. In North America our week starts on Sunday. Why? That goes way back to the Greeks and Romans, and is above my pay grade.
So, as an Admin you now have the ability to specify the Week Start weekday under Org Settings > General. This will apply to ALL your users within your Account. Like so:

You also have the ability to decide if you want to show Weekends on the Public Scheduling Pages. Many businesses are not open on weekends and never have meetings or appointments scheduled on the weekends, so you may want to simply hide them from the scheduling pages.
For example here is the scheduling page for Monday Start:

Here it is without Weekends:

Of course, they are reflected in Mobile Views as well.
That’s It.
Any questions? Email to [email protected]
Happy Scheduling!