Support for SMS Opt-Out Keywords

Opt out Options

Some customers who receive SMS may not want to receive your SMS Appointment Reminders. While we see this as a rare occurrence your customers have rights.

GReminders handles standard English-language reply messages such as STOP, STOPALL, BLOCK, and UNSUBSCRIBE responses.

If a customer replies with any of these keywords we will automatically add this phone number to YOUR OptOut list. They will not receive any further SMS’s or automated phone calls via GReminders. Your OptOut list is located in Setup > OptOut. You can also manually add phone numbers here if you are migrating from another service or have known customers who do not wish to receive SMSs or automated Phone Calls from you.

To undo or resume certain customers from their optout option simply remove those phone numbers from the OptOut List in your Setup > OptOut Area.

In some cases the customer needs to text START to the originating number (our GReminders Number Pool found under Org Settings > Phone Numbers or your if you have a dedicated number use that)

Some of our Customers add optout language into their SMS appointment reminders such as “To optout reply STOP”. This is completely optional.

How to Block Reminders for Certain Events Retroactively:

At times you may want to prevent future reminders from being sent to an event without having to add the phone number or email to your Opt-Out list. Instead of blocking those phones/emails from all future event reminders, you can add a Keyword such as “Block” to the titles of your events. 

You can achieve this by adding a word such as “Block” to your Keyword Blacklist. Go to Org Settings > Opt Out and add those words/phrases the Keyword Blacklist section.

Any Events containing these keywords or keyword phrases in the TITLE will be ignored from sending reminders to.

This will take effect immediately and all future reminders for that calendar event will be stopped.

Note: Personal Reminders are not subject to these optout Rules. 

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

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