If you use Zoom Phone (VOIP) as your phone system, you can now get all the benefits of AI Notetaker with Zoom Phone Calls.
Benefits include:
- Automatic Summaries of the Call
- Extracting Tasks/Action Items from the Call
- Recommending Workflows to be Triggered from the Call
- One click push into your CRM or System of Record
Read More about the Benefits of AI Notetaker here.
To Install
To connect your Zoom Phone Account go to your Profile > Connected Services > and click on Zoom Phone, and connect your Zoom Phone Account.

Next, in order for GReminders to get the recording, you need to enable Recordings on Zoom Phone. You can record calls ad hoc or have them automatically recorded.
Please view this Zoom Call Recording Settings Article
If you want to auto record all calls or allow ad hoc call recording you can do this via the Admin Console for ALL Users under Admin > Account Settings > Zoom Phone Tab.

Then simply take inbound or outbound calls. GReminders will get notified of a completed call recording and GReminders’ Notetaker will do the rest.
Your Notetaker recording and summary will look something like this:

That’s It.
To Uninstall
Go to My Profile > Connected Services and click the Disconnect Service Button next to Zoom Phone:

This will remove the Connection and no longer process recorded calls. Existing Recorded Calls will remain on the system until they hit their data retention expiration. Read more here.
Any Questions? Email to [email protected]