When letting your Clients or Customers Schedule using your Online Scheduling Link, often times it’s a fixed time. 30min for Initial Conversation, 60min for Weekly Follow-Up, etc…
But sometimes you don’t need 30 or 60 minutes. Maybe the client just has a quick question and thinks it can be resolved in 15min; why book 30 or 60min on your calendar?
Sure you could create another Event Type for 15 minutes, but this seems redundant and not great from an Event Type Management perspective.
Now you can choose to do “Variable Duration”, which means that you allow the client to change the timing.
You can do this when creating or editing Event Types (Click on your Profile > Event Types > Create New or Edit existing Event Type). Simply select “Variable” instead of “Fixed” from the Event Duration dropdown. Set your default time (30 minutes in this case) and the range you want to allow for (15 – 60 minutes in this case).

Then when your customer goes to book a meeting they can select less or more time depending on what they think they need. Like so:

Reschedules will retain the original booking duration, so no need to make changes on rescheduling other than the Date/Time.
That’s it. Any questions? Email to [email protected]
Happy Scheduling!